How to use confluence blog
How to use confluence blog

how to use confluence blog

It’s probably because over the last decade, as part of what I do, I drew hundreds of charts to represent changes in various metrics. When I think about drawing time, I usually imagine a line, like a horizontal axis. Keep on reading to find out more about road maps and how to create and manage them inside your Jira and Confluence.

how to use confluence blog

Product roadmap will come in handy to manage your project, describe and manage short- and long-term goals and values you want to deliver and present them to relevant stakeholders and get the action green light. However, the most important thing is that whatever tool you choose to manage and communicate your product development has to support you, as an individual, and your team’s interactions. There are many handy tools and techniques to help you keep track of your planning and work that needs to be performed. You’ll find there the latest updates and shortcuts to your favorite spaces.As a Product Owner, when you build an app or other product, you want to control the progress over time, manage expectations, and communicate the strategy and priorities accordingly to your stakeholders and keep your team informed throughout the project lifecycle. The dashboard is Confluence home page.You need to understand three concepts to learn how to use Confluence the right way: You’re looking for a solution to these issues? In this article, let us show you Confluence: the Atlassian’s wiki.Ĭonfluence is a source of knowledge: your teams will go there when searching for an information.Ĭonfluence also is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution: you create, organize, comment, share and keep up-to-date your content all at the same place. Have you ever estimated the amount of time spent searching for an information? The number of emails sent to ask where a particular file could be? Read our complete guide to learn everything about Atlassian’s wiki ! Your teams store a lot of knowledges in different tools: they write tutorials in a Word file in Google Frive, save Powerpoint slides in Sharepoint and export Jira reporting into an Excel sheet.

How to use confluence blog